【15色】白・レモン・黄・薄橙・茶・朱色・赤・青・セルリアンブルー・黄緑・緑・黒・紫・金・銀 【特長1】粒子が細かく練りが均一なのでのびがよく、混色・重色も容易で変退色もしにくい 【特長2】かんたんオープン「NEWクイックキャップ」/キャップを失くしたり間違える心配がない 【安全性】AP・CPのマーク表示入り/グリーン購入法適合商品 【容量】12ml/本 [15 colors] White lemon yellow thin bitter orange tea cinnabar red red blue cerulean blue yellowish green green black purple gold silver [features 1] As a particle is small and kneading on fire is uniform growth is good and compound color 重色 is easy and is hard to do strange fading [features 2] We do not have to worry to lose brief opening "NEW quick cap" / cap and to be wrong [safety] Entering mark indication / green purchase law conformity product of AP the CP [capacity] 12 ml/
[15 colors] White lemon yellow thin bitter orange tea cinnabar red red blue cerulean blue yellowish green green black purple gold silver
[features 1] As a particle is small and kneading on fire is uniform growth is good and compound color 重色 is easy and is hard to do strange fading
[features 2] We do not have to worry to lose brief opening "NEW quick cap" / cap and to be wrong
[safety] Entering mark indication / green purchase law conformity product of AP the CP
[capacity] 12 ml/