KitchenAid キッチンエイド KEK1722WH 1.7-Liter Electric Kettle with LED Display - White 電気ケト
【商品名】 KitchenAid キッチンエイド KEK1722WH 1.7-Liter Electric Kettle with LED Display - White 電気ケトル 【カテゴリー】ホーム:家電 【商品詳細】 This Electric Kettle is built for speed. It quietly boils water in minutes. The variable temperature control allows you to select the exact temperature you desire to help you achieve optimal results.
KitchenAid キッチンエイド KEK1722WH 1.7-Liter Electric Kettle with LED Display - White 電気ケトル
This Electric Kettle is built for speed. It quietly boils water in minutes. The variable temperature control allows you to select the exact temperature you desire to help you achieve optimal results.