ニチバン PCラベルインデックス PC-132B 特徴: シートサイズが「はがきサイズ」なので、ほとんどのモノクロレーザープリンタ、インクジェットプリンタ、熱転写プリンタ、PPCコピーできれいに印刷できます。無地ラベルなので、文字や画像の配置は自由自在です。「はがきサイズ」なので、必要な枚数だけムダなく印刷できます。はく離紙は樹脂ラミネート加工をしていません。手書きでもご利用になれます。 商品仕様: ◆アクリル系 ◆材質:上質紙 A characteristic: As seat size is "postcard size" I can make prints with most monochromatic laser beam printers inkjet printers heat transfer printers PPC copy neatly. As it is a plain label the placement of a letter and the image is freedom. As it is "postcard size" only the necessary number of sheets can make prints without waste. The detachment paper does not process resin laminating. You can use even handwriting.
ニチバン PCラベルインデックス PC-132B
A characteristic:
As seat size is "postcard size" I can make prints with most monochromatic laser beam printers inkjet printers heat transfer printers PPC copy neatly. As it is a plain label the placement of a letter and the image is freedom. As it is "postcard size" only the necessary number of sheets can make prints without waste. The detachment paper does not process resin laminating. You can use even handwriting.
Product specifications:
◆Acrylic system
◆Materials: Fine paper